Friday, June 03, 2005

I'm such a geek

In addition to my normal tasks, I'm now a part of another team as well. I'm serving in the role of architect on a new project. One we hope to get a patent on (which would be cool). For now we are meeting to discuss the application, interfaces, etc.

The task that Terry and I have for this week is to flesh out the API and create the initial collaboration diagrams. So I've been mostly holed up in a conference room all day yesterday (and probably most of today), doing Object Modeling with Rational Rose, focusing on class diagrams and collaboration diagrams. I moved my monitor and keyboard down to the room instead of just using my laptop. Anyway, modeling, drawing things on the whiteboards, recording this on the wiki, and creating jpg files for the diagrams and uploading them to the wiki as well. Using the wiki so that we can post fairly real-time progress, and get feedback as quick as possible.

Why am I a geek? Because I'm LOVING this. Its been a while since I've done any modeling, and its just so cool. And last time I did it, most of it was communicated via Word... and now we're using the wiki. It is just that cool. I'm happy.

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