Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Lessons of a low-carb diet
My lessons for the day...

1) Yes, they can make a sausage-egg McMuffin @ McDonald's, w/o the muffin... even if they say they can't.

T: We can't do that.
M: Ah... yes, you can. I get them all the time.
T: oh!

But... remember to tell them to put the cheese between the egg and the sausage... otherwise they throw it in first and throw the sausage on top, which melts the cheese to the wraper. :-S

2) Starbucks can make a Triple-Venti-CarmalMachiato(sp?) w/ sugar-free vanillia!
I didn't even know it had vanilla in it, I thought it was all carmal. But turns out they were out of regular vanillia this morning, and asked:

T: Would you like sugar-free vanillia with that, we are out of regular?
M: I didn't even know it was made with vanillia.
T: Yeah, no one did till we asked them this today.


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