Saturday, August 06, 2005

What Business Can Learn from Open Source

What Business Can Learn from Open Source: "If you could measure how much work people did, many companies wouldn't need any fixed workday. You could just say: this is what you have to do. Do it whenever you like, wherever you like. If your work requires you to talk to other people in the company, then you may need to be here a certain amount. Otherwise we don't care."

Once again, I'm lucky enough to be in a pretty good position. While perhaps not as much freedom as the above, I have close to it. Other than when there are scheduled meetings, I can pretty much come in when I want. Probably conditioned by years of working in a large company, I do show up before lunch and stay until at least 5:00 or 6:00, but no one is telling me to. And if I'm being fairly productive and home and in the middle of something, sometimes I won't go in at all.

Its kind of amazing "what you can get away with", if you are really productive. :)

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