Monday, January 06, 2003

I used to be pretty introverted... still am really, but I guess once I got into my 40's or so, some of Tina's extroversion has started wearing off on me! I now actually will talk to someone standing in line etc.

Saturday I run into the store to grab a few things... and the place is crazy. I end up standing in line for 20 minutes, 'cause I have about 17 items so no express lane for me. The elderly gentleman in front of me (who has about 6 things) turns and starts talking to me for about 15 minutes!

Him: Man this place is crazy
Me: Yeah
Him: My daughter is getting home from vacation tomorrow, and the wife said we have to have milk in the house. I told her I'd get it tomorrow... but she said we needed it now. Glances down at my hand, sees I'm married. You know how it is. Once they start nagging, thats it. You might as well just go out and get the milk.
Me: Ah ha
Him: Look how busy this place is. Now they want you to use those scanner things. Just trying to make us do their work.
Me: I usually use the scanner, it is pretty quick. But I have to many items
Him: I just don't trust those things.

And so the conversation goes. Mostly about his frustration with customer service and how the store is run, and how his wife nags him so much to get the milk. Pretty bizzare. I'm always amazed at what people will talk about, with complete strangers.

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