Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Kellee and Doug are back in town for a few days. Kellee was one of the first people to move onto Sheriff from FMS. One of the "old gang". They were at Old Chicago last night for Happy Hour. I usually don't go to those kind of things much, but hadn't seen them since they left (2 years ago?), so went over. It was very cool. Steve and Larry were both there as well. It was really cool to see people who used to work on the team, but have left... well YEARS ago now. Time flies. It was cool just to catch up. Kellee and Doug are grand-parents! How cool!

Kellee mentioned that she had seen this blog and checked it out. Thought it was cool. (Ah... another person reading it, at least once. I think I'm up to maybe 5 now!). Made me start thinking about blogging again. (Not doing it of course... but the concept). How I blog, what I should put here, etc. I think it could be a cool way to keep up on what folks are doing. Kind of like an open letter to the public. If more people I knew did that... I'd know what was going on in their lives. Made me start thinking though... would someone reading this know what was going on in my life? Perhaps some. But mostly I just post stuff I find interesting, make lilttle commentaries, etc. So, maybe I'll start putting more stuff about "me" out here. Perhaps not in-depth personal insights... but just "hey, here is what is going on."

Anyway, it was very cool to see Kellee, Steve and Larry again.

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