Wednesday, February 19, 2003

My baby is turning 16
Jaime turns 16 tomorrow! As I posted previously, she is going to the Castle today and spending the night. They are having tea at 2:00 PM and I'm going to run over from work (its about 1/2 a mile away!) and join them. It will be cool to see the girls all dressed up!

Tif's 16th birthday party was at the Larkspur Firestation (were Tina and I were volunteers). Lots of kids, dancing, etc. Tif and I danced to "Butterfly Kisses". A very cool father/daughter "my baby is growing up" moment... and I of course cried.

Jaime is going a totally different direction on her 16th. No big party, lots of people. Instead just her and a few close friends spending some time together. I won't even see them, other than the tea. But it will be very cool for her and something she will remember.

Love ya kid! xoxo

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