Monday, March 10, 2003

My Hands Are OK Today
Early last week Teresa called me to say that she was sitting at a stop light and all of a sudden felt like I was supposed to play on the worship team this Sunday. So, she called Tina (or maybe saw her in person) and passed it along. Tina and I talked about it (I'm always ready to play) and decided I would. Tina also said she felt I should get back on the worship team. Maybe not full time (with all that is going on with the youth and Costa Rica), but at least part time. Brenda Richards said something in her talk at the conference in Tulsa about supporting eachother's callings. So, I'm going to start playing once a month. (In Dec/Jan I actually played about 5 weeks in a row... but that wasn't a committment. - This is. Once a month). I'm psyched about it. It will be good to get back into it!

We also did a youth prayer retreat for Costa Rica. (Which was awesome. I'll probably post more on that on my Costa Rica blog when I get more time. If so, I'll add a link here). Bobby and Michael were in charge of worship and asked me if I'd bring my Djembe and play. (Of course!).

So... I ended up playing Thursday night (practice), Friday night... for about 2 hours!, Saturday morning, Sunday morning, and then 2 songs on Sunday afternoon for a leadership meeting we were having. Great stuff! It was awesome.

Friday night, Bobby, Michael, Scott and I went into about 15 minutes of free praise. Bobby and Michael started this guitar rif that was really... I don't know how to explain it, but I just went off on the Djembe. When it was all said and done my hands were pretty red and my one finger was bleeding a little... but hey, that is how you know you were getting into it. ;-) It was awesome.

It felt great to play that much!

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