Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Cost... savings?

So, in what I'm sure some bean counter thought would be a cost savings measure, the cafe now uses smaller plates for the grill. Smaller than they used to be (maybe an inch in diameter). So now there are two sizes. One at the grill and one at the "entree" area. The entree area has lids for their plates. These lids used to fit all the plates, but now that they are different sizes, they don't.

Since I want a lid (because I'm carrying my food a few blocks back to my desk) to keep my food warm, I just slide the new cost-efficient plate onto one of the other plates and then cover it with a lid. Works great.

But is it really a cost savings now that I'm using two plates every time???

Theory vs practice. Something I (as a software architect) need to keep in mind at all times!

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