Friday, May 20, 2005 IBM, colleges: More top students needed

With a critical shortage of Information Technology workers projected in the coming years, it's crucial that university computer science departments do all they can to attract top students to the field, a local IBM official said Tuesday.
That seems like it would be good news for those of us in IT. Well... bittersweet perhaps. Supply and demand would suggest that our salaries will go up. On the other hand, not having fresh new people come into an organization is always a drag.

I don't fully understand though how this all aligns with the whole off-shore/outsourcing strategies. But maybe it is driving part of it. As demand increases and supply decreases, it drives salaries up, and thus drives companies to look elsewhere to fill the demand.

But as it has been suggested in numerous articles, that just means that you stay in demand by increasing your skills, such that you can't easily be replaced by off-shore/outsourcing.

OK... back to work.

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