Monday, May 09, 2005

My baby is back

I know that stress is a bad thing and all that, but I never realized how much.

Tina stepped down as Associate Pastor... what, 2 or 3 weeks ago? She is like a whole new person. I think I blogged how the kids thought she looked younger. But its more than that. She has stepped back in time. I got my wife back and I'm so happy. I never realized the extent to which she had changed. She smiles now and her eyes twinkle and she just looks at me like... like she used to. I'm so incredibly happy and glad to see her again. And I never even realized she had left.

Who would have thought. Work (and that is what being a pastor is much of the time, but its more than that because "its for God" and because "you can't hurt the people", etc., etc. So the stress is even more than a "normal" job) can eat you up and change you. I'm also glad that with all the stress that is in my job, I still really enjoy it and can find pleasure it in much of the time.

Anyway... welcome back babe, glad to see you again.

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