Monday, September 06, 2004

I'm a sucker for a lemonade stand

Show me a lemonade stand with little kids and I'll stop just about every time. Driving down the road today and there are two little kids sitting there with an awesome looking stand. (Some parent probably spent an hour making it). They've got their little beach umbrellas over it, Beanie Babies and Dolls everywhere.

I pull over and their eyes light up.

"I'll take a lemonade."
"Would you like a Beanie Baby, their only 25 cents?"
"No thanks."
I hand them a buck and start to walk away,
"Would you like your change?" (it only costs 25 cents)
"No thanks."

Made a couple of kids day, well at least minute, by giving them a whole dollar.

Yeah... so me some kids dreaming of getting rich, sitting out in the hot sun trying to sell lemonade, and I'll stop every time. Its worth the look on their faces. :)

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