Friday, January 23, 2004

Answer to pray
So last night I discovered that I had lost my wallet. This upset me to the extent that I was up most of the night worrying about it and I left for bible study early so I could stop at church and see if it was there. No such luck.

I had it yesterday morning, but not last night after practice. I checked the: car (which I had driven during the day), jeep (which I had driven last night), house (where I last had it), office (where it may have fallen out of my coat); all with no luck. Tina suggested I pray about it and see if God would tell me where it was. I did this... but again, no luck. I was feeling quite paniced about it. We are going out of the country and a) no license or credit cards didn't seem good and b) I didn't want to arrive back home to find out that someone had run up my limits. Plus, as I have mentioned before, this kind of thing drives me nuts. The thought of reporting them, getting a new license, etc.; just makes me sick.

Luckily Tina is my answer to prayer.

T: I found your wallet!
M: Really! sigh of relief, where was it?
T: In the jeep.
M: What!? I looked there!
T: Yeah... I know you did. I was praying about it and thought "You know, he never looks for things very good... I should go check again."

I checked twice! Luckily Tina (and God) know me way better than I know myself and didn't let the fact that I had already looked stop her from checking again. :-)

God... please tell me where my wallet is... "OK... but why don't I tell Tina who hears better, and she'll let you know." ;-)

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