Saturday, February 07, 2004

We Still Kiss Seminar

The seminar part of the cruise was very good. There were some really good speakers. I always love hearing Dr. Jim Richards and Eastman Curtis. There were some others there as well that I'd never heard from before.

The thing that I've noticed before, and that really struck me again, is how wise Dr. Jim is. You sit there and listen and just realize how much wisdom he has. It is very cool. I also realized that, unlike most my college classes (or technical classes and seminars), I don't actually learn some logical fact, new way to do something, etc.; by hearing it and then thinking "Oh, that's how you do that". For instance, how to use a programming language, how to write a paper, use a tool, etc. This kind of teaching is different. It is something that causes a life change and a change to the heart. As such, it takes time to sink in. And some times it takes hearing it over and over.

That is why I like going to seminars with Jim Richards so much. Not because I can come home and say "Here are the 10 points to doing ...", but because it just keeps planting seeds. It just keeps putting something deep into my mind and heart that causing me to start looking at things and seeing things differently. It is an investment in myself and my relationship with not only my wife, but all those around me - in my family, work and minstry.

If you ever get a chance to hear Jim Richards speak, do it. And if possible, multiple times. Sometimes it takes a while for us to get it!

And Eastman was great as always. He is such a great speaker, so funny and entertaining to listen to... but not just that. He always has some great nuggets for you to pick up on and think about.

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