Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Poltics over security

From the Washington Post, Warner Backs Resolution Opposing Troop Increase

Sen. John W. Warner (R-Va.), the former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, yesterday endorsed a new resolution opposing President Bush's buildup of troops in Baghdad, as even some of the most loyal Republicans scrambled to register their concerns and distance themselves from an unpopular policy.

The resolution, unveiled the day before the president's State of the Union address, is expected to garner the support of many Senate Republicans -- especially those facing reelection next year.

So that's what it comes down to. The Democrats and MSM have convinced them that they can't get re-elected if they back the war - and so they'll go up against the president rather than support him and the military - because they believe it will get them votes.

I pretty much always vote for the party, because I'd rather see a Republican rather than a Democrate in office. But there is no way I'd vote to re-elect a Senator or Congressman who opposed Bush on this. Not because they oppose Bush - but because in so doing they are not supporting our troops or the war effort, which is so critical to the future of this nation.

They just don't get it. We are at war...

At least there is some hope:

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) took to the Senate floor yesterday to implore his colleagues not to go through with a vote on any resolution of opposition, calling the effort "pernicious" and "very, very dangerous."

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