Monday, November 18, 2002

After hearing, for the umpteenth time, "Man, blogging seems like a total waste of time. Why would you do that, and who would read it?", I figured I'd respond. And I figured I'd respond here. Which in some way probably points to why I blog. :-) It gives me a place to talk, post my random bits of wisdom, etc., without having to really say it to ANYbody, but instead to EVERYbody. Well, mostly to myself, but hey - you know what I mean.

So... why? I don't know. My best defense is, "Well Blogger says they have 750K blogs going, so 3/4 of a MILLION people can't be all wrong." But here are some other reasons:

  • I thought b-may's was very cool, started reading more, and then figure out how easy it was to do it for myself
  • I always wanted an easy to modify web page, and this is a way to do that (yeah, I hear the "Well why would you want to do that" - response)
  • It is a way for folks to keep up with what I'm doing, without me having to send them email, etc. (which I'm very bad at). Yeah, maybe no one cares or is doing that, but it still a reason
  • Because I'm an introvert not an extravert and it is easy to "talk" to my computer
  • Because some of my other sites do communicate actual information (like Fusion-Worship)
  • Because I'm a computer geek, this seems cool, and so why not.

The last one may be the most "real" reason - the one that counters "isn't it a waste of time." Some would probably say that when I started writting internal web pages at Digital, that it was a waste of time too. Not spreading much "knowledge", but just "personal stuff". However, it was a way of LEARNING. After doing it for a while, I got pretty good at throwing together a content based web page. Maybe not something with lots of bells and whistles, but something where you could go get info. The same is true here... maybe. I'm learning about blogging, and in doing so, MAYBE I'll learn real ways it can be used. Yeah, there may not be many (if any) people that care about my fantasy football scores, or whatever, but some of the youth in the Fustion Worship Team MAY want an easy, electronic, year 2000 kind of way to find out if we have practice, when their team plays, etc. And if I have never stumbled across b-may, thought blogging was cool, got hooked on it, and started with this page... then I probably would have never put that page together. Instead I'd still be waiting for the church (or some external - free - easy to access web site) to get set up so I could electronically spread info. Instead, I found Blogger and Blogspot, and its been a snap.

So... that's my answer. Guess I've wasted enough time during lunch, and should get back to work!

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