Went up and did opening worship for CMA (Christian Ministries of the Arts) on Monday night with Tom, Jennifer, Steve and Arron. It was very cool.
We practiced Wed at Steve's and I had taken most of my stuff. We talked about the logistics of getting things off the stage quickly, since they'd be starting their dancing as soon as we were done. Jennifier also talked about the makeup of the audience, etc. As I was thinking about it I really started feeling like I shouldn't take all my stuff. Yeah, congas/bongos seemed to work best for "Your Love is Amazing", but I just
really started feeling like it was too much. That I needed to be simpilier, not make so much of a splash, whatever. Tina said pray about it, so I did. But I usually don't hear a loud voice, but get a peace etc. I really felt just the Djembe and the big drum was the right thing, with maybe the chimes and one cymbal. Called Tom Monday mid-day, and he said yeah, simpilier is better, so I went with it. Turned out just right! Cool.
Anyway, got up there about 4:00. Took the equipment in, and they were finishing up some practice to "God of Wonders". Cool. I love that song! They finished up around 5:00 and we got set up, sound checked (only two monitors, but they were great), and everything went well. Went and ate Vietnamese. Yum! Came back and the place was
packed. I'm guessing five to six hundred people. All of a sudden I got very nervous.
Wow... that's weird. I never get nervous. "Let's pray". Yeah. Prayed for a bit. "Hey, they said there might be some dancing going on around us". Cool.
So we get up there. Can't see a thing 'cause the lights are so bright.
Good, that way I can't see the crowd. We start and it is awesome!
Djembe was the right choice. Thank you God!. We are on. The music is going well. I just close my eyes and start worshipping (since I can't see anything anyway). There are dancers all around us in white. Flowing, moving, worshipping. It is pitch black. Us, the music, the dancers on the edge of darkness, then the voices of 500 people starting to worship with us, and His presence. Yeah, this is what its all about.
We get done, grab our stuff and haul it off the stage. It is so cool to be in His presence, doing what He has called you to!
We stay and watch the rest of the evening. Little girls dancing - some pushing each other, losing their places, trying to follow what everyone else is doing. Young women, flowing together, worshipping. Young women alone, talking about what worshipping via dance means to them, how it gets them through the tough times. Crying,
Its been a hard year. But God is getting me through it. He has really put this dance on my heart. Dancing, alone, for Him. It was awesome.
I was blessed. I know He was blessed, as He looked done on His children: talking about worship, about David, about things they learned this session, and just Worshipping Him.