Sunday, March 21, 2004


We're here. Trip out was uneventful (which is always nice on a plane trip). Got in, got to the hotel, called the kids (Tif and Brian are "the kids" - Jaime is "the kid") :). They came over in their new car and we went out to dinner then spent the evening back at the room playing cards. Was great to see them and catch up.

Going to spend today eating and site-seeing. :-)

I also spent some good time on the plane, airports and this morning while Tina was sleeping writting a C++ code generator in CLIPS. Fun stuff (for a geek). I should have it easily finished this week while I'm out of the office, so that is cool.

Well... gotta get ready, the kids are on their way over - also have to go filter through some of the 138 mail messages I got since logging off Friday night. Man... busy weekend for spammers.

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