Thursday, April 29, 2004

How hosed is that

InfoWorld: Windows XP update delayed: April 28, 2004: By : PLATFORMS
Microsoft has warned developers that they should test their applications with SP2 because the company made something of a trade-off with the update, focusing on security improvements at the expense of backward-compatibility. If developers don't test, they might find their software will no longer work on updated Windows machines.
Translation: If you have a program that currently works and you upgrade to the SP2 security patch, your program may no longer work. From a Software Engineering point of view, that is really hosed. I partially understand why they are doing it. Backward compatibility can be a big pain and it takes more time to develope it. So, they are saying they are trading off a longer delay for not being backward compatible and getting the more secure software out sooner. But still... its just not a very good thing to do, imo.

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