Friday, June 18, 2004

Feds classify french fries as fresh veggies: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Not as weird as it sounds. Rather than a true classification, it is a legal term being used to keep bankrupt distributors from getting out of paying french fry vendors.

1 comment:

James said...

Bankruptcy doesn't mean you don't have any money, it means that you don't have enough to pay all your bills, and thus you are asking the government to protect your from having to pay your bills. When that happens, you still may end up paying some of your bills. Its all classification stuff. So... this law protects "perishable" food distributors from people declaring bankruptcy. Yeah, even though you are bankrupt, you still have to pay the perishable food people, because they can't get their product back... If I sell you a tomoate and 2 weeks later you haven't paid me and declare bankruptcy, the tomatoe is either gone or rotten. If I sold you a meat slicer, well I could at least take it back and get some $ for it.

Of course none of this is a legal description, etc.; just my take on it. So... the "french fry" lobby, or whatever, has been trying to get classified such that they fall into that category as well, so they can get paid (or be first on the list or whatever).

As I said, to me, it isn't so much a "it makes sense that you are a fresh vegtable" as it is a legal classification...