Monday, June 07, 2004

In what direction do you read blogs?

Whenver I post several posts, and then post something that ties them together (like - been busy, just posted several things), I always wonder in what direction people read blogs. Beacuse they are in reverse chronological order, with the newest being at the top, you'd think people would read them from the bottom up... or at least from the last one they read, up. (Which is the way I read them, if I notice someone has posted several things. That way I get them in the correct time order). But... it is naturally for us to read from the top down, so maybe people read them from the top down, until they get to the one they last read.

Just stuff that goes through my head... and oh, I'll be posting several things. Been kind of busy, partially just looking at Pern stuff, and haven't kept up.

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