Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Dropdowns - almost there

My blog is currently a running commentary on my ability to understand CSS.

I still have the flu, but mostly all that remains is a headache. This makes it a little difficult to concentrate on work, but not too difficult to play with CSS.

I now have dropdrowns for all my lists: Links, Previous Posts and Archives. Very cool. (Well very cool that I got it to work, I'm not sure if it is a good blog design or not, but I like it).

I'm still not done... but maybe done for now. There were a few things I couldn't figure out. One was the positioning of my sidebar lists up in the header area. I got them working using position: absolute;, but the problem with that is as a person changes the size of their browser window, the dropdowns move. I'd perfer them to be stationary. That is possible using postion: relative;; but for some reason I could get them to move into the header doing that. So... I stuck with what works best, even if it isn't perfect. Also, I had some padding between each dropdown box, so that they weren't smashed together. In preview it worked just fine. But when I saved and then redisplayed the blog, it didn't. Don't know whats up with that.

Right now the rest of the changes would all be image stuff, like rounding corners, making the dropdown boxes use a image so the box looks cooler, making the dropdown list transparent to some degree, etc. But all of that takes images, and currently I don't have a good place to store them... plus I'm not a graphic artist so have no way to create them. Maybe someday.

In any case, it was a learning experience and certainly fun. (Yup, as a geek this is what I feel is fun. Learning new technologies, etc.) Cool stuff. :-)

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