Friday, May 28, 2004

God/Jesus Private Jokes

So in bible study this morning we were discussing the story of Jesus walking on water in Matthew. Jesus gets done feeding 5K, sends the disciples across the lake in a boat, dismisses the crowd and goes up on the mountian side for some quite time with his dad. Later he walks out across the water, approaches the boat, and freaks out the disciples.

As we are discussing this I start chuckeling on the inside. How much sense of humor did Jesus have? He must had a pretty good one, right? I can just imagine the conversation before he heads out across the lake.

God: Ok, we'll you need to get going. Its getting pretty storming out there.
Jesus: Should I meet them on the other side or what?
God: No, just walk out there and get in the boat.
Jesus: Oh man, that is going to totally freak them out. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see me coming across the water.

OK. So maybe that isn't the way it really happened... but thats the kind of things that go through my head. :-)

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