Friday, May 28, 2004

A moment in the life

Yeah, soI know I'm always reflecting on things. Its just that lots of stuff seems... well if not interesting, at least "hmm..." to me. Maybe a sign of my age...

I'm working, and reading a bit of a MUSH programming manual (just to see what its like) and I check my gmail account. A quick mail from Elizabeth asking for a Spanish Rice recipe. I reply that I don't have one, but I bet Tif does. So I call Tif on my cell, she gives me the recipe over the phone, and we talk about dragons and mushing a bit (I jumped onto PernMUSH this morning and paged her - very cool) while I'm walking down to the cafe. I grab some lunch, come back up, fire off an email to Elizabeth with the receipe and then blog it.

Sometimes I just think about the technology involved. Me talking with Tif on Pern, then Elizabeth asking me on-line for a recipe, me calling Tif on my cell while walking around, then emailing Elizabeth back. I know we take a lot of this for granted, but every once in a while I think back to when I was in high school... and I just kind of marvel at what is possible now.

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